Monday, March 11, 2013

Why I Started This

Why I decided to start blogging

Why? You would think I have an easy answer for this, but it not really an easy answer.

I started this because of my next door neighbor.  My dear sweet little neighbor is 88 years old.  Several years ago she fell in her backyard and broke her wrist.  When she got out of the hospital she could not do a lot for herself.  So, several neighbors including myself began carrying dinner to her each night. 

The other neighbors would prepare her a plate and drop if off to her and leave. 

Well I couldn't do that. So, every Wednesday night I would prepare her a nice healthy meal. I would fix 2 plates, one for her and one for me.  I started sitting down with her at her little kitchen table and I would eat dinner with her.  It gave me an excuse to get out of my house, and it gave her some much needed company and someone to talk to.

In passing, the neighbors found out what I was doing, and they started doing the same on their nights.

This little lady loved to talk, and she didn't care what she talked about.  I now know more about her sex life with her deceased husband that I ever wanted to know.  I know just about everything about her life.  I'm sure that there are still a lot of things still left to learn.

I would tell her things that are happening at home with the kids and my husband.  I would tell her stories about my life growing up.  My hopes and desires.  She was always telling me that I needed to write my stories down  I'd always laugh and say nobody wants to read anything that I would write.  Well, about a month and a half ago she fell again, this time in her bedroom, and broke her hip.  She cannot stay home by herself anymore and has had to move into a assisted living facility.  It's sad, we can see her declining before our eyes.  It's like she has lost the will to live.  Being at home meant the world to her, having neighbors visiting her everyday was something that she looked forward to.  It's not as easy now to go and visit her.  

So because of her I started this.  Can't say how often I will be able to write.  Maybe I will try to write on Wednesday evenings in her honor, since that is when I would usually be able to get the things that were on my chest out.

Things I write might be sad, they might be funny, they might just be random thoughts that pop into my head.

That is life, it's not scripted. You never know whats going to happen or when it is going to happen, it just happens.  Life's a Bitch!

Thank you Miss. Tootie for giving me just the right nudge to do something.  I may end up being the only one who will ever read it, but I am doing it for her.

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