Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Our Fur Kids

Just about everyone on this earth has some type of pet.  Whether it be cat, dog, snake, fish, turtle, cow, goat, horse, and so on.
In our home the pet of choice is feline.  I love me some pussy.  Not that kind, get you mind out of the gutter here.  The four legged furry kind is my favorite.

We currently have 3 cats.  Each cat came to us a different way.  The eldest cat was given to my husband before we met.  Many moons ago he tried to quit smoking, at that time doctors would prescribe Welbutrin to people who wanted to quit smoking.  My husband was a heavy drinker.  He saw on the info sheet not to take the medication with alcohol, so he stopped drinking.  Well, that turned out not to be a good decision.  While on top of a 16 foot ladder he experienced a grand mal seizure fell to the concrete floor and broke his shoulder.  After surgery to repair the damage he was stuck at home for weeks to recover.  His sister showed up one day with a kitten to keep him company.  That is Daisy she is now 14 years old, and extremely spoiled rotten!
Our Miss Daisy

The second cat to join our family came due to an argument with my husband. We had been trying for a while to get our daughter to stop sucking her thumb.  So, I told her if she stopped we would get her a dog.  I took her to the shelter and let her look around.  She came home and told daddy she found the puppy that she wanted.  He said absolutely not, no dogs are coming into this house, you can get another cat any day you want, but no dogs.  Okay, I went the next day and adopted Paige, she was 5 years old.  When I was saw her I knew I had to have her.  The only catch was, I fell in love with an asthmatic cat that required medicine every day, and she is going blind.  But, she is beautiful and we love her.

Our Little Miss Paige

The latest cat that has joined the rank of family, is our dear little Willow.  She joined us a week after Paige.  My husband is to blame for her.  He was out at the farm working one Friday, he called on his way home saying I'm bringing you a gift.  He said he was working when this little thing came out of the field meowing at him.  He couldn't resist her when he saw her.  So when he was leaving he put her in the car with him and drove home.  She came totally infested with fleas and a respiratory infection, which caused Paige to become very sick.  Now the fleas are gone, she is no longer sick and she is beautiful just like the first two cats.  Our only problem with her is that we have not been able to get her fixed yet (too poor) so she is suddenly is constant heat.  That is about to change this next week! Yippee!!!

Itty Bitty Willow

Don't think I could ever give up my kitties, but we still would like to have a dog.  All we have to accomplish is getting the backyard fenced in.  Maybe will will work on that.  Who knows we could have us a doggie by the end of the year, it's only 9 months away.  Anythings possible!

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